
(without her glasses)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Update, link, and day jobs

Thought I'd better make another post. I feel like a business while remodeling--please excuse the mess while I gradually get the hang of the blogging program. I thought I should add another link. I have more writing out there, for a site called Suite 101. I've done book reviews and the odd medical article or two, and am starting a series on different types of chemotherapy. You can access these (as well as an unflattering photo) through my Suite 101 profile page: http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/elizabeththomas.

Speaking of medical articles, I will be talking about my day job from time to time. I will not talk specifically about my employer, because they are very touchy about their image, and I don't want to get in any trouble with them. For the most part, they are a great healthcare company to work for, and to seek treatment with. I am a registered nurse, and have been since 2005. I have started bits and pieces of a memoir about being an English major and deciding to become a nurse, but if and when I publish it, it will be under a pseudonym. One thing that will find its way to this site, however, are chart bloopers. My co-workers and I laugh ourselves silly over the way doctors' dictations wind up sounding in patients' charts. Of COURSE, I will keep everything completely devoid of identifiable personal details.

Be nice to me, I gave blood today.

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